Solution Builders for Pipeline Leak Detection

Welcome to our just-for-fun web site!

Flowstate was created when a team of pipeline operators imagined they could build a leak detection solution that suited their needs.

Read our story below.


A Solution is Needed

Our partner, Bridger Pipeline, identified a need for improved monitoring and leak detection in their pipelines across the Rocky Mountain West. They not only realized that existing technologies were inadequate, but also that there was an opportunity to merge their decades of industry knowledge with cutting-edge technology to build a better solution


Proof of Concept Developed

Bridger began working with the IBM Watson team to explore using machine learning in leak detection. Once the technology proved viable, a software team was brought on to develop a Proof-of-Concept product.


Flowstate is Spun Out as a Company

The concept was indeed proved and the decision was made to develop the solution into a commercial product and bring it to market. Flowstate was spun out into a separate company and began to bring on a staff of software developers and data scientists.


Flowstate LDS Goes "In Service"

Flowstate continued to build a team. Meanwhile, after a couple years of continued development and verification testing, we worked with Bridger to commission the LDS into service in their Control Center.

Solution Builders

We are excited to be working with our partners to build new solutions for pipeliners. Each day brings new challenges and our team enjoys working with customers to solve them. 

Check out our real website to learn more about Flowstate and our solutions.