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Flowstate Selected for iPIPE Water Study

Flowstate to Work With iPipe Partners to Test Leak Detection Solution on Produced Water System

January, 2023

Flowstate, provider of leak detection software for hazardous liquids pipelines, is pleased to announce they have been selected to receive project funding from the intelligent Pipeline Integrity Program (iPIPE).  Flowstate is working to build solutions that enable leak detection where it has typically been unfeasible. The selected project will involve partnering with one of iPIPE’s member organizations to implement and test their solution on a produced water pipeline system.

“For the last couple decades, the focus in leak detection has largely been on crude oil and refined products. But more and more attention is being directed at produced water systems.” said Jerad Stack, CEO of Flowstate.   “We’ve seen a lot of interest from operators that realize a need to add or improve leak detection on their water system, but many existing technologies are not well suited to the unique challenges of produced water lines. This includes complex networks, challenging operational scenarios, and conventional instrumentation. We are eager to partner with an operator that has assets and expertise to help us demonstrate our solution on a water system and take a large step forward in addressing this urgent need.” 

iPIPE is a research consortium comprised of pipeline operators, the Energy & Environmental Research Center (EERC), and the North Dakota Oil and Gas Research Program (OGRP).  iPIPE 2.0 membership includes seven member companies from the US and Canada operating gathering and transmission lines pipelines for oil, gas, and produced water. The program’s objective is to advance emerging technologies for the prevention and detection of pipeline leaks. The 2022-2023 project funding round solicited proposals that would achieve “a step change in leak detection and leak prevention”.

“iPIPE is excited to help advance applications for produced water pipelines.  Machine learning and artificial intelligence provide important advances to computational pipeline monitoring where developers are advancing solutions unique to their expertise.  Our work with Flowstate will help industry realize new capabilities” said Darren Schmidt, Assistant Director for Energy, Oil & Gas at the EERC.

About Flowstate

Flowstate began as a partnership with True Companies’ Bridger and Belle Fourche Pipelines to improve leak detection across their operations in the Rocky Mountain west.  They set out to explore the use of machine learning and data science in tackling some of the typical hurdles in implementing efficient, effective, and affordable monitoring. Flowstate spun off as an independent company in 2019.